#! /usr/bin/env avocado-runner-avocado-classless # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # # Copyright Red Hat # Author: David Gibson """ Test A Simple Socket Transport scenario/simple.py - Smallest sensible network to use passt/pasta """ import contextlib from tasst import address from tasst.nstool import unshare_site from tasst.exesite import Site from tasst.transfer import test_transfers from tasst.typecheck import typecheck IFNAME = 'veth' HOST_NET4 = address.TEST_NET_1 HOST_NET6 = address.TEST_NET6_TASST_A ipa_local = address.IpiAllocator(HOST_NET4, HOST_NET6) (IP4, IP6) = ipa_local.next_ipis() (GW_IP4, GW_IP6) = ipa_local.next_ipis() ipa_remote = address.IpiAllocator(address.TEST_NET_2, address.TEST_NET6_TASST_B) (REMOTE_IP4, REMOTE_IP6) = ipa_remote.next_ipis() class __SimpleNet: # pylint: disable=R0903 """A simple network setup scenario The sample network has 2 sites (network namespaces) connected with a veth link: [simhost] <-veth-> [gw] gw is set up as the default router for simhost. simhost has addresses: self.IP4 (IPv4), self.IP6 (IPv6), self.ip6_ll (IPv6 link local) gw has addresses: self.GW_IP4 (IPv4), self.GW_IP6 (IPv6), self.gw_ip6_ll (IPv6 link local) self.REMOTE_IP4 (IPv4), self.REMOTE_IP6 (IPv6) The "remote" addresses are on a different subnet from the others, so the only way for simhost to reach them is via its default route. This helps to exercise that we're actually using that, rather than just local net routes. """ def __init__(self, hostsite, gwsite): self.simhost = typecheck(hostsite, Site) self.gw = typecheck(gwsite, Site) self.gw_ifname = 'gw' + IFNAME self.simhost.veth(IFNAME, self.gw_ifname, self.gw) self.gw.ifup('lo') self.gw.ifup(self.gw_ifname, GW_IP4, GW_IP6, REMOTE_IP4, REMOTE_IP6) self.simhost.ifup('lo') self.simhost.ifup(IFNAME, IP4, IP6) # Once link is up on both sides, SLAAC will run self.gw_ip6_ll = self.gw.addr_wait(self.gw_ifname, family='inet6', scope='link')[0] self.ip6_ll = self.simhost.addr_wait(IFNAME, family='inet6', scope='link')[0] # Set up the default route self.simhost.fg(f'ip -4 route add default via {GW_IP4.ip}', sudo=True) self.simhost.fg( f'ip -6 route add default via {self.gw_ip6_ll.ip} dev {IFNAME}', sudo=True ) @contextlib.contextmanager def simple_net(): with unshare_site('simhost', '-Ucnpf --mount-proc') as simhost, \ unshare_site('gw', '-n', parent=simhost, sudo=True) as gw: yield __SimpleNet(simhost, gw) @test_transfers(ip4=REMOTE_IP4.ip, ip6=REMOTE_IP6.ip, port=10000) @contextlib.contextmanager def simple_net_transfers(): with simple_net() as net: yield (net.simhost, net.gw)