#! /usr/bin/python3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # # tasst - Test A Simple Socket Transport # library of test helpers for passt & pasta # # tasst/address.py - Address allocation helpers # # Copyright Red Hat # Author: David Gibson import ipaddress import avocado from tasst import Tasst # Loopback addresses, for convenience LOOPBACK4 = ipaddress.ip_address('') LOOPBACK6 = ipaddress.ip_address('::1') # Documentation test networks defined by RFC 5737 TEST_NET_1 = ipaddress.ip_network('') TEST_NET_2 = ipaddress.ip_network('') TEST_NET_3 = ipaddress.ip_network('') # Documentation test network defined by RFC 3849 TEST_NET6 = ipaddress.ip_network('2001:db8::/32') # Some subnets of that for our usage TEST_NET6_TASST_A = ipaddress.ip_network('2001:db8:9a55:aaaa::/64') TEST_NET6_TASST_B = ipaddress.ip_network('2001:db8:9a55:bbbb::/64') TEST_NET6_TASST_C = ipaddress.ip_network('2001:db8:9a55:cccc::/64') class IpiAllocator: DEFAULT_NETS = [TEST_NET_1, TEST_NET6_TASST_A] def __init__(self, *nets): if not nets: nets = self.DEFAULT_NETS self.nets = [ipaddress.ip_network(n) for n in nets] self.hostses = [n.hosts() for n in self.nets] def next_ipis(self): addrs = [next(h) for h in self.hostses] return [ipaddress.ip_interface('{}/{}'.format(a, n.prefixlen)) for a, n in zip(addrs, self.nets)] class IpiAllocatorTasst(Tasst): """ :avocado: tags=meta """ COUNT = 12 # Allocate this many addresses NETS = None # From these networks (None means use default) def test(self): if self.NETS is not None: ipa = IpiAllocator(*self.NETS) nets = self.NETS else: ipa = IpiAllocator() nets = IpiAllocator.DEFAULT_NETS addrsets = [set() for i in range(len(nets))] for i in range(self.COUNT): addrs = ipa.next_ipis() # Check we got as many addresses as expected self.assertEquals(len(addrs), len(nets)) for s, a, n in zip(addrsets, addrs, nets): # Check the addresses belong to the right network self.assertEquals(a.network, ipaddress.ip_network(n)) s.add(a) print(addrsets) # Check the addresses are unique for s in addrsets: self.assertEquals(len(s), self.COUNT) class IpiAllocatorCustomTasst(IpiAllocatorTasst): """ :avocado: tags=meta """ NETS = ['', '', 'fd00:9a57:a000::/48']