From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 From: David Gibson To: Subject: passt & mbuto Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2022 13:50:44 +1000 Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="===============3626317323037344690==" --===============3626317323037344690== Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi again, I realized I wasn't quite right when I said that qrap problems where what was currently stopping me running the passt (not pasta) tests. I did hit qrap issues somewhere, but the current stumbling block is that mbuto looks for udhcpc to put into the guest image, which I can't easily put onto my host system. Now, in the short term, once my patch to remove usage of udhcpc from the passt/pasta tests is applied, we could just remove udhcpc from the mbuto profile as well. However, that raises a wider scope issue: The passt testing profile for mbuto appliances is in the mbuto tree, not the passt tree. That doesn't realy make sense, since it means any change to what we need for the passt tests requires a synchronized change with mbuto. Particularly for a pretty young and project like passt, that's not really tenable. Plus, slurping an external tool from some random URL in the tests is just kinda ugly. I'm not immediately sure how best to to address this: * We could make mbuto take the profiles as some sort of external file, so they can be provided by the user, rather than built into the mbuto repository. * We could just fork a copy of mbuto into the passt tree, making local modifications for the profile, and only manually updating it to match upstream mbuto changes. * We could use an entirely different and more established tool for building our testing guest images in passt (e.g. supermin, buildroot or just picking a standard distro guest image) -- David Gibson | I'll have my music baroque, and my code david AT | minimalist, thank you. NOT _the_ _other_ | _way_ _around_! --===============3626317323037344690== Content-Type: application/pgp-signature Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="signature.asc" MIME-Version: 1.0 LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBQR1AgU0lHTkFUVVJFLS0tLS0KCmlRSXpCQUVCQ0FBZEZpRUVvVUx4V3U0L1dz MGRCK1h0Z3lwWTRnRXdZU0lGQW1LaXY0MEFDZ2tRZ3lwWTRnRXcKWVNLUnV4QUFsNVRwL1pkYkRk ZGhiL3dSNE5ybXUyNzlpNy96YmdjVzcrdnBvcjYyY0xvTitEQnUzQ0pGL1R1UwpBaFZjeG0xSzNq eWJvZ3VyaEVKNGRMTG1mSEZmc1NmdVlsdXJSdlZ3UHhNZ3duQmNaWFRoS2dLSDNaUHR5Z0hBCndt Q3B5c1pkSkJtWHI5dHZhL3U1U3BsRmpHb1ZTUm9TNVh0Z294dTJLY1FySTh0ZFZLODJKcFcyakNO MHZQTHQKNDhFcHFCNGdyMGExc0xla2VPRUdVb3NySGxZVzFleEMvUHR4RHJWK200aXNKaGJtSUo4 bzlGMkdObkpyVFppWApMQ3lWdWxEV1pZYUk2UTN5L2VOTThiazFkRnBkYllUWGNYL0FNV01IQ2Er UlM1SThNNENjS3BJRk4yU0ZKbHRnCjRTdkxBOGVQam5reUo5NThRZUNDWjgxa3VoVkJaTTlLM3Ji UWlCODVwTmZZN1pDU1RONkxjMmh0N2d0SXpPMDgKQWRxSWwrVTlmYi9MeGo5clNNS0VELzVFaHZy cCtmeVhZUzdXaDNQMVhrYm5ibVBEUnhWMjcxZ1paL2pjU2pMbgo1ZDRPOWEzd1Y0TUp0cTVkdFpu eVJQMkxQR0NxRGc5T25UeWJhSi9xT2hEckI5b0ZwSTlLVlJ1dmpUeldpSnFrCnhST3phNFpoRTRU Ym9TSXVRb2NISVhjSmF2Qldjc1FmMm8xM1VQK3Q4anB2TmdBVzkzcEZ1V0JBTU5IQklndXQKbnNl WE9kUEVxL0pwbW5nbExnajdESEZGeVFMKzIrTmZrWkxZYjRsTGJ3MEFOejZMYTVCd2xSRldUM3lM ejFKUApRcy9SNUd4WlJiZW5WNHpLWEJsenhWU2N2L05YVm5DZXlTeEdmb3RrdHVGVUppODFBUGc9 Cj1MZVc5Ci0tLS0tRU5EIFBHUCBTSUdOQVRVUkUtLS0tLQo= --===============3626317323037344690==--