From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 From: David Gibson To: Subject: Weird timeout issue with passt Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2022 15:59:20 +1000 Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="===============5988856252120472592==" --===============5988856252120472592== Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I alluded to this in my last patchset, but here's the information I've gathered on the current problem I'm hitting running the passt distro tests. It's pretty weird. On at least two occasions the tests have stalled during the Fedora 30, aarch64 test, with the guest getting a timeout downloading the package lists before installing new packages. For me this is selecting the mirror I'm not sure which factors are are relevant to reproducing the problem though. * The problem seems to me that the download suddenly stops progressing * partway through, causing dnf to eventually time out * If I manually try a "dnf clean all && dnf makecache -v" using the same guest image, it doesn't fail every time, but it fails significantly more often than not * It doesn't fail on the same file every time * I haven't been able to reproduce manually downloading the failing file with curl (tried repeatedly) * If I restrict dnf to a single repository rather than the whole set, I haven't managed to reproduce the problem * If I use qemu's -net user slirp instead of passt with the same disk image , I haven't been able to reproduce the problem (tried a bunch of times) * I've reproduced with the guest using both IPv4 and IPv6 * I have reproduced what looks like the same problem with an x86 guest image under KVM (also Fedora 30), but it seems to happen much less often (seen once in 10 or more attempts) * Seems to reproduce fairly readily with an x86 guest under TCG though, so I'm guessing the difference is timing related. -- David Gibson | I'll have my music baroque, and my code david AT | minimalist, thank you. NOT _the_ _other_ | _way_ _around_! --===============5988856252120472592== Content-Type: application/pgp-signature Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="signature.asc" MIME-Version: 1.0 LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBQR1AgU0lHTkFUVVJFLS0tLS0KCmlRSXpCQUVCQ0FBZEZpRUVvVUx4V3U0L1dz MGRCK1h0Z3lwWTRnRXdZU0lGQW1LMEFSOEFDZ2tRZ3lwWTRnRXcKWVNMUWp3LytJbytpT05wUDEy Vk9sVmlTU0lsSUJMY2JycVFsZlBXdVNiYSt5MHo2K3VaRnJ2MXlmbkc0TnpKZQpnNHluRmE5SEo1 S29IVGxHeXUyUCtQUVRRcUxwa3ByNHFaREZBOWxjNDIxTHVMSjdsU3dibkFtVDhjazlQVUpBCm1P cVZLTTk1KzhLMEJldnh1QldvbEhCU01OTk4rU0hpM2NFeTh3YTdDMCtZYlVIY1l6bm1OWXNTUURZ L2dLUE4KeThaZ1pFcjhMYjkzYXBJQUZZc0lEbllNaUNVa3J5M2d0MnBLOTBEcFNSLzVyRnJDQnJQ RVlrbG5mRWlma3h3eQpWSVowalNLYWZUU2hLTVBVWW9HVkMxR3NCWWs5NElHQnc0YmNLcnpYR0hz TDhZaXBrYkVSaFBIL1JScXR3ZTJiCm5ZaGZ3d0ljTFFWRUhaMVZ6WStndUZIc3BtVytwUERkSEtZ TE1ZdFdxSG93T3RKMUk5RDN1ZmZ1MjAydWtFbUcKc0RaSGQrQVRDOWFWZXZoWW9hTmY3VTVaS3M1 NWJhRVlUWmZRdlRZS20yUE9vNXFucE43ZzFXdlJLZHB0S1RKeApPL2pwZGNuM2JYakExZWV0b1Ix SEJEZ2hJUzJCaGhwUEJtZjVBbVdnd2ZzbWNhdldXY2VFK1dpT1dwem9wQnQvCmpWbzVOdWdZZE91 dTZnd3B6Qlo3ZTd6eDM2S3FJZ3Rsa2J2RkZoNm9lLzMvL2R0bVh4RlVwYzU4OC9xZzdUdFAKcFYr VysrVzlTODdiSEQveDBIcUZvdTN2TDEvTUViUUFDWVZRcG1ZRWVFYmhUSHNsdTM2NWZqeGNTQy94 aDdhMgoyOER6OERMa2tiaC8vZE1EeDJPdnlXSVhDSmlDd0hSY08zKzJiQ3lLWmpVYytVbGZvSVU9 Cj1sYys0Ci0tLS0tRU5EIFBHUCBTSUdOQVRVUkUtLS0tLQo= --===============5988856252120472592==--