From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 From: David Gibson To: Subject: Re: [PATCH 02/12] test: Remove unnecessary sleeps from layout functions Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2022 13:02:07 +1000 Message-ID: In-Reply-To: <20220924010801.255bbc43@elisabeth> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="===============7160970142961753154==" --===============7160970142961753154== Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit On Sat, Sep 24, 2022 at 01:08:01AM +0200, Stefano Brivio wrote: > On Fri, 23 Sep 2022 17:20:28 +1000 > David Gibson wrote: > > > These make sense for displaying in the demo, but not for automated > > testing. > > Actually, they kind of do for the CI terminal captures: especially the > sleep 3 before closing panes is helpful to easily pause on the results > of the last test that was run there. > > Also the sleep 1 after setting up the new layout gives me a bit more > time to realise what's going on. Hmm, I guess. I guess I find the idea of looking back at video of tests rather than logs a bit alien. > I know, perhaps it's not a very common use case, but on the other hand > we're just saving 20 seconds altogether, it doesn't feel like it's that > much right now. I suppose. It is rather more significant when restricting the tests down to a smaller handful for debugging. -- David Gibson | I'll have my music baroque, and my code david AT | minimalist, thank you. NOT _the_ _other_ | _way_ _around_! --===============7160970142961753154== Content-Type: application/pgp-signature Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="signature.asc" MIME-Version: 1.0 LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBQR1AgU0lHTkFUVVJFLS0tLS0KCmlRSXpCQUVCQ0FBZEZpRUVvVUx4V3U0L1dz MGRCK1h0Z3lwWTRnRXdZU0lGQW1NdWN5a0FDZ2tRZ3lwWTRnRXcKWVNKUnhSQUFwOERCMld6NnhS V0xBYUs1d3FYNUVOTk4wMm15dVZxa2RBdUo1T2orNjBsMjdqNUpBN2NuQTduMQpYdFNiNkpyNG5u S0c5WFhHTk1pcWxwR2ozLzU4VGV3dDNwZVBiUEdRU3JsY0lFWTZ4dDJZbTdZV3JRaE1TTkZLClIw d1RtOXlEV0Z4VlVsQUcyakc3Q0Q5Zm5oWjQ0eGxVUnh5SGNlMFR5MG1Ub2NiYVFEbWJXUlk4emdq Zk5DcTgKbTdleHQ1NjdocEpjcG1jYmNVZXRuUlNORHl6d3dWYzk5anBPQ3NkakM1QkMwMXNUOUNp bVJlRmRrQ3ZoZWFSdwpHQ2w3eFdXbzZLRndNVjNkSmhta1UrSGNmbk9zek9CL1BKWDZnMkRNM0dj SDdDZTAzeUxkaHRGLzBPOTBJR0l5CjZnM2k4WnloTUpGR2NDejd6TDRsZEJzNGNRSzE2R2RucVZD RnNzZHpSR3R5L2hxZ0VONS9tRWYrb0pBSlNlVUYKbVVSMWFKUjNjMGZ2WTMzV2dNZS9mQ0xZN25E S0hSQlpsVEppRGl0V0tkNVlCTTRab3RKUHBTcDk0UWdLU3d4eApzcTBtdlQ3Ykp1c2ppdUNGTXpT T1U0T0Q4Ui9zSDVNNmpqRUV5b2M2aHh5TEVFVnV4VUVpaFFybGw2Ty9COTJXCjE1VlJXUlIrRlZ2 elk4NmtoL1psRnlsblBOcWV3cERFUUFGUC9XcjlFRUlhemxJWDRVQ1ZPcTRZU0hrMFUrcUsKSzhw R2RNSjJ5YjI4SnRSc0RWWmJ5b2xxSDdWbzNaTVBaK3M0WE1GOU8vU2NSR25mbU5ENVVHQUYxNU1S SEt6Rwp6QzZ6Qy8vL3ZqWWp1Mm5WcjIrN1JmU2d2U1RNcWdSczhSSEc1K0xNdWdtS3VWY2UySW89 Cj1PVHN5Ci0tLS0tRU5EIFBHUCBTSUdOQVRVUkUtLS0tLQo= --===============7160970142961753154==--