On Wed, Mar 20, 2024 at 05:31:46PM +0100, Laurent Vivier wrote: > To be able to provide pointers to TCP headers and IP headers without > worrying about alignment in the structure, split the structure into > several arrays and point to each part of the frame using an iovec array. > > Using iovec also allows us to simply ignore the first entry when the > vnet length header is not needed. > > Signed-off-by: Laurent Vivier [snip] > +static_assert(MSS4 <= sizeof(tcp4_payload[0].data)); This generates a clang-tidy warning, because apparently the C11 version of static_assert() requires a message - making it optional is a C2x extension. Laurent, I know you're having trouble getting the full testsuite to run (but some ideas on that later today, I hope). But could you please add a "make cppcheck" and "make clang-tidy" to your pre-post routine. -- David Gibson | I'll have my music baroque, and my code david AT gibson.dropbear.id.au | minimalist, thank you. NOT _the_ _other_ | _way_ _around_! http://www.ozlabs.org/~dgibson