#! /usr/bin/python3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # # tasst - Test A Simple Socket Transport # library of test helpers for passt & pasta # # tasst/site.py - Manage simulated network sites for testing # # Copyright Red Hat # Author: David Gibson import contextlib import ipaddress import json import avocado from avocado.utils.process import CmdError from tasst import Tasst class Site(contextlib.AbstractContextManager): """ A (usually virtual or simulated) location where we can execute commands and configure networks. """ def __init__(self, name): self.name = name # For debugging def __enter__(self): raise NotImplementedError def __exit__(self, *exc_details): raise NotImplementedError def output(self, cmd, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError def fg(self, cmd, **kwargs): self.output(cmd, **kwargs) def bg(self, cmd, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError def require_cmds(self, *cmds): missing = [c for c in cmds if self.fg('type {}'.format(c), ignore_status=True) != 0] if missing: raise avocado.TestCancel("Missing commands {} on {}" .format(', '.join(missing), self.name)) def ifs(self): self.require_cmds('ip') info = json.loads(self.output('ip -j link show')) return [i['ifname'] for i in info] def ifup(self, ifname, *addrs, dad=None): self.require_cmds('ip') if dad == 'disable': self.fg('sysctl net.ipv6.conf.{}.accept_dad=0'.format(ifname), sudo=True) elif dad == 'optimistic': self.fg('sysctl net.ipv6.conf.{}.optimistic_dad=1'.format(ifname), sudo=True) elif dad is not None: raise ValueError for a in addrs: if (not isinstance(a, ipaddress.IPv4Interface) and not isinstance(a, ipaddress.IPv6Interface)): raise TypeError self.fg('ip addr add {} dev {}'.format(a.with_prefixlen, ifname), sudo=True) self.fg('ip link set {} up'.format(ifname), sudo=True) def mtu(self, ifname): self.require_cmds('ip') (info,) = json.loads(self.output('ip -j link show {}'.format(ifname))) return info['mtu'] def addrinfos(self, ifname, **filter): self.require_cmds('ip') info = json.loads(self.output('ip -j addr show {}'.format(ifname))) assert len(info) == 1 # We specified a specific interface ais = [ai for ai in info[0]['addr_info']] for key, value in filter.items(): ais = [ai for ai in ais if key in ai and ai[key] == value] return ais def addrs(self, ifname, **filter): self.require_cmds('ip') # Return just the parsed, non-tentative addresses return [ipaddress.ip_interface('{}/{}'.format(ai['local'], ai['prefixlen'])) for ai in self.addrinfos(ifname, **filter) if not 'tentative' in ai] def addr_wait(self, ifname, **filter): while True: addrs = self.addrs(ifname, **filter) if addrs: return addrs class SiteTasst(Tasst): """ Basic tests for executing commands on sites :avocado: disable :avocado: tags=meta """ timeout = 1.0 # Derived classes must redefine this def setup_site(self): raise NotImplementedError("{} must implement setup_site() method".format(type(self).__name__)) def test_true(self): with self.setup_site() as site: site.fg('true') def test_false(self): with self.setup_site() as site: self.assertRaises(CmdError, site.fg, 'false') def test_echo(self): with self.setup_site() as site: s = 'Hello tasst' out = site.output('echo {}'.format(s)) self.assertEquals(out, s.encode('utf-8')) def test_bg_true(self): with self.setup_site() as site: with site.bg('true') as proc: status = proc.wait() self.assertEquals(status, 0) def test_bg_false(self): with self.setup_site() as site: with site.bg('false') as proc: status = proc.wait() self.assertNotEquals(status, 0) def test_has_lo(self): with self.setup_site() as site: self.assertIn('lo', site.ifs()) def test_lo_addrs(self): with self.setup_site() as site: expected = [ipaddress.ip_interface(a) for a in ['', '::1/128']] self.assertCountEqual(site.addrs('lo'), expected) def test_lo_mtu(self): with self.setup_site() as site: self.assertEqual(site.mtu('lo'), 65536) class IsolatedSiteTasst(SiteTasst): """ Test a site with isolated network (loopback only) :avocado: disable :avocado: tags=meta """ def test_isolated_net(self): with self.setup_site() as site: self.assertEquals(site.ifs(), ['lo']) # Represents the host on which the tests are running, as opposed to # some simulated host created by the tests class RealHost(Site): def __init__(self): super().__init__('REAL_HOST') def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *exc_details): pass def output(self, cmd, sudo=False, **kwargs): assert not sudo, "BUG: Shouldn't run commands with privilege on host" return avocado.utils.process.system_output(cmd, **kwargs) def fg(self, cmd, sudo=False, **kwargs): assert not sudo, "BUG: Shouldn't run commands with privilege on host" return avocado.utils.process.system(cmd, **kwargs) @contextlib.contextmanager def bg(self, cmd, sudo=False, **kwargs): assert not sudo, "BUG: Shouldn't run commands with privilege on host" try: proc = avocado.utils.process.SubProcess(cmd, **kwargs) proc.start() yield proc finally: if proc.poll() is None: proc.stop() REAL_HOST = RealHost() class RealHostTasst(SiteTasst): def setup_site(self): return REAL_HOST